Sunday, 3 March 2013

Day 11: Death Valley

We woke up with a nice sunrise at Isabella Lake. After snoozing for a while,because we we can do that, we headed to Death Valley.

On the way we stopped in Ridgecrest to get some gas and stop at McDonald for some Internet and Coca Cola. We emailed a couple people including my father asking about a check engine light which was been going on and off for a couple days. After some discussion we decided to get the car checked in Vegas because if something was wrong we could get it repaired and we had lodging.

Back to the car we went, which was now covered in bird poo because Joel had parked under a light. We then headed into Death Valley. Man it was hot! Joel was totally fine with the weather but me, I was dying! We drove through some very nice scenery including salt flats and a very rundown looking factory town. We finally got to our campsite for the night, Wildrose. Parked the car and got comfy. Joel went for another hike while I worked on my Spanish some more. We then sat down for dinner which we cooked for the first time on the trip. Mmmm! We made KD on my camping stove and then used the leftover water to make noodle water tea. Very yummy.

After looking at the stars, which were coming out we bedded down for the night. Watched a movie and headed to bed. Another very nice and relaxing day on this trip. I could get used to this!

1 comment:

  1. Hier zijn opa en oma en je moeder. We hebben net je blog gelezen en zoeken elke plaats op in de grote map. \wat een fantastische ervaringen! Geniet ervan Enjoy
