Well it's official. My boyfriend and I have decided to do what most undergrads dream about. Take some time off school and life, buy a car, and head down the open road. We have started the long process of planning a road trip. Some of the major decisions have been made:
Trip: Road Trip
Area of the World: America and Canada
Length: 3-4 months
Starting date: February 15th 2013
Starting Location: Vancouver
Ending Location: ??
Car: ??
Ok. So it looks like we have decided some of the easiest parts of the trip, but the more we start to plan the more I am learning that there is a lot of planning to do. Firstly we both have jobs at this point, making money for everything from food, lodging, maps, GPS, and let's not forget the car....which brings me to the biggest question plaguing me at the moment. Which car can we buy. We are looking for something on a budget, obviously second hand, but something that is not going to break down on a 20,000 km trip! That is not easy!!! Also we are looking for a car that we could sleep in if needed....station wagon maybe? Anyway we have a couple cars in mind, but that might be my next blog! This was only an introduction!
Let me tell you a little about myself, I am a (almost graduated) undergrad who is studying International Relations. I have lived in both Canada and America and speak three languages. Since I started University I have been dreaming of a time when I could go and search for myself in the world...typical of my generation of course! Originally the plan was to head to Australia and make my way around the world till I was back in North America. However, all that changed when I met my Australian boyfriend when we were both traveling in Scotland. He eventually came over to North America and we decided to spend some time traveling around the area before we headed to Australia.
The part I am most excited about: Canada! I was born and raised in Canada for the most part, but have not spent much time out east. Therefore the part I am most excited about is that! I want to learn more about the country that raised me, the beautiful land around, and most importantly the country I eventually want to govern :p or at least play a role in the politics of. And this is just one of the many steps that will help me understand the Canadian mindset. But of course the main reason for the trip: having fun! and making some new friends while traveling North America and hanging out with my boyfriend! What more could a girl ask for?
And in case anyone is curious this is what the first leg of the trip looks like so far: